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HOW WILL MY COMMISSION BE DETERMINED?All independent contractors get 20% of the deals they help broker, analyze, and close on. Deals over $50,000 in profit automatically qualify you for an additional $5,000 bonus.
WILL I BE REQUIRED TO LEAVE MY HOUSE?No. Unless you signed up for the "Boots Program", you will not be required to leave your house.
WHAT DO I NEED IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A POSITION WITHIN THIS COMPANY?Items and Materials needed to do your job: Reliable internet access Computer (Laptrop or Desktop) Cellphone Basic computer knowledge and skills Excellent phone and communication skills The ability to problem solve
ARE THERE ANY UPFRONT COSTS TO START A POSITION WITHIN THIS COMPANY?No. You don't have to pay for anything to begin, unless you have to purchase one or more of the supplies listed above.
WILL I BE REQUIRED TO WORK FULL-TIME?No. All employees are only required to work a minimum of 4 hours a day for at least 3 days a week with hour flexibility
WOULD I BE CONSIDERED AN EMPLOYEE OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR?All hired applicants will be considered independent contractors and will be required to fill out a 1099 form as well as an independent contractors agreement.
WHAT IS A 1099 FORM?The 1099-MISC is what independent contractors, small businesses, and any entity that isn't an S or C-level corporation use to accurately report their income and determine what they will owe. You must send out a Form 1099-MISC to all vendors you've hired and paid more than $600 during the year.
WILL TRAINING BE AVAILABLE?Yes. All independent contractors will go through a series of training courses prior to starting work.
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